seglad Adeniyi's profile
Register date: September 29, 2014
User Description
BATLAN CONCEPT LIMITED PRICE LIST FOR STONE COATED ROOFING SHEET. 08066191741 SOUTH KOREA STONE COATED ROOF SHEET N 2, 000 PER SQUARE METER. D.S KOREA STONE COATED ROOF TILE N 2,700 PER SQ METER D.S SHINGLE ROOFING SHEET N3, 000 PER SQUARE METE REGULAR SHINGLE ROOF TILE- N2,500 PER SQUARE METER BENEFITS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: DURABLE = Stone coated roofing sheet are very durable and has about 50 years company's guarantee ABSORBS RADIATION = Stone coated tiles has great ability of absorbing the ultraviolent rays of the sun that emits radiation ABSORBS HEAT = Stone coated roofing sheet has a very great ability of absorbing heat, and this reduces the amount of heat that enters the building; Many roofing sheet cannot reduce heat. FULLY FIRE RESISTANT = Coated roofing sheet is fully resistant to fire, heat, water and harsh weather condition. It is truly the best VERY ATTRACTIVE = When you see a building coated with stone coated tile, you would know that there is a difference! FOR MORE INFORMATION CALl/W SEGUN ON 08066191741, PIN ; 2BE21683 KM 45, SANGOTEDO, AJAH, LAGOS. We are simply the best!